
Table 1b: Annual average construction material price indices, United Kingdom [note 1]
This   worksheet contains one table. Some cells refer to notes which can be found in   the notes worksheet. 
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Source:   DBT/ONS/Building cost information service (BCIS)
Base   year: 2015=100
Year New Housing Other New Work Repair and Maintenance All Work
1996 62.8 57.9 61.5 60.1
1997 63.8 58.6 62.5 61.0
1998 61.7 57.6 60.3 59.2
1999 61.2 56.5 59.7 58.5
2000 62.4 57.7 60.9 59.7
2001 63.6 58.7 62.1 60.8
2002 65.4 60.2 63.8 62.6
2003 67.3 62.3 65.7 64.6
2004 69.4 66.4 68.1 67.7
2005 71.9 69.6 70.7 70.5
2006 76.2 73.7 75.3 74.9
2007 82.1 78.8 81.3 80.5
2008 85.6 85.6 85.5 86.1
2009 86.7 85.1 86.4 86.1
2010 91.5 90.9 92.5 91.8
2011 96.3 98.6 98.2 98.6
2012 98.1 101.3 100.2 100.8
2013 99.0 101.8 100.9 101.2
2014 100.7 102.4 102.1 101.8
2015 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2016 100.3 99.0 99.9 99.4
2017 105.5 104.2 105.6 104.5
2018 110.4 109.5 111.3 109.7
2019 112.6 112.0 113.5 112.1
2020 112.7 112.0 112.6 112.3
2021 128.5 130.1 130.8 129.4
2022 148.2 159.6 151.7 154.1
2023 152.5 159.5 152.6 155.5