
Table 12c: Annual concrete   blocks production, deliveries and stocks (thousand square metres) by combined   English region, Wales and Scotland [notes 1, 2]
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Source: DBT
Year Region [note 6] Dense production Lightweight production Aerated production Total production Dense deliveries Lightweight deliveries Aerated deliveries Total deliveries Dense stocks Lightweight stocks Aerated stocks Total stocks
2016 North 4,566 10,821 11,994 27,382 4,578 11,187 12,047 27,812 429 494 1,507 2,431
2016 Midlands 6,513 5,012 7,497 19,022 6,602 5,060 7,597 19,259 447 383 389 1,220
2016 South 8,344 3,695 3,605 15,643 8,324 3,657 3,434 15,415 702 273 299 1,274
2016 Wales and Scotland 6,243 925 0 7,168 6,161 916 0 7,077 640 178 0 817
2016 Great Britain 25,665 20,453 23,096 69,215 25,665 20,820 23,078 69,564 2,218 1,329 2,195 5,741
2017 North 5,273 12,046 12,956 30,276 5,080 11,214 13,256 29,550 533 869 1,176 2,578
2017 Midlands 6,248 5,020 8,341 19,609 6,336 4,849 8,020 19,205 359 555 710 1,623
2017 South 8,597 4,083 3,516 16,197 8,429 3,993 3,338 15,760 894 270 477 1,642
2017 Wales and Scotland 5,225 956 0 6,181 5,180 935 0 6,115 674 211 0 885
2017 Great Britain 25,343 22,105 24,814 72,263 25,024 20,991 24,614 70,629 2,460 1,905 2,363 6,728
2018 North 5,266 11,616 12,967 29,850 5,331 11,550 13,400 30,281 428 1,029 743 2,199
2018 Midlands 6,296 5,181 8,082 19,560 6,211 5,208 8,189 19,607 453 531 726 1,710
2018 South 8,443 3,773 1,862 14,078 8,414 3,702 2,339 14,455 886 336 0 1,221
2018 Wales and Scotland 4,946 909 0 5,855 4,712 975 0 5,687 846 171 0 1,017
2018 Great Britain 24,952 21,479 22,911 69,342 24,668 21,434 23,927 70,030 2,613 2,067 1,468 6,148
2019 North 4,972 11,143 13,663 29,779 4,812 11,063 12,509 28,385 581 991 1,897 3,469
2019 Midlands 6,326 5,290 9,741 21,356 6,099 5,138 8,663 19,900 651 637 1,754 3,042
2019 South 7,430 3,673 4,503 15,607 7,434 3,503 4,207 15,144 833 406 297 1,536
2019 Wales and Scotland 4,659 964 0 5,623 4,590 921 0 5,511 844 217 0 1,062
2019 Great Britain 23,387 21,071 27,907 72,365 22,935 20,625 25,379 68,939 2,908 2,252 3,948 9,108
2020 North 4,531 9,564 12,004 26,099 4,293 8,913 12,889 26,095 358 747 870 1,976
2020 Midlands 5,350 4,156 6,418 15,925 5,371 4,398 7,632 17,402 611 385 804 1,800
2020 South 6,050 2,683 3,285 12,019 6,127 2,793 3,417 12,337 724 298 165 1,187
2020 Wales and Scotland 4,397 766 0 5,163 4,436 754 0 5,190 715 220 0 935
2020 Great Britain 20,329 17,169 21,708 59,206 20,227 16,859 23,938 61,024 2,408 1,650 1,839 5,898
2021 North 4,895 10,849 15,253 30,997 4,773 10,889 15,290 30,952 386 696 877 1,958
2021 Midlands 7,138 5,006 8,627 20,771 7,151 5,038 9,004 21,193 599 351 389 1,339
2021 South 7,083 3,141 4,431 14,655 7,218 3,271 4,475 14,964 621 254 121 995
2021 Wales and Scotland 5,239 951 0 6,190 5,313 1,001 0 6,314 732 207 0 939
2021 Great Britain 24,355 19,948 28,311 72,614 24,455 20,199 28,769 73,423 2,337 1,508 1,387 5,231
2022 North 4,536 10,209 14,664 29,409 4,507 9,987 14,830 29,323 414 918 711 2,043
2022 Midlands 6,656 4,868 8,924 20,447 6,630 4,865 9,226 20,721 625 353 87 1,065
2022 South 7,246 3,330 4,375 14,951 7,125 3,323 4,392 14,840 742 260 104 1,106
2022 Wales and Scotland 5,323 1,087 0 6,411 5,343 1,077 0 6,420 712 217 0 929
2022 Great Britain 23,761 19,494 27,963 71,217 23,605 19,252 28,448 71,305 2,493 1,749 902 5,144
2023 North 4,064 8,794 12,133 24,991 3,802 8,711 10,453 22,966 677 1,000 2,392 4,069
2023 Midlands 5,769 3,746 7,564 17,080 5,618 3,474 6,202 15,294 776 626 1,449 2,851
2023 South 6,134 2,674 4,017 12,825 5,820 2,509 3,705 12,034 1,056 425 416 1,897
2023 Wales and Scotland 4,872 884 0 5,756 4,615 868 0 5,482 969 234 0 1,203
2023 Great Britain 20,839 16,098 23,715 60,652 19,854 15,562 20,360 55,776 3,478 2,285 4,257 10,020