Building Materials and Components

Monthly Bulletin of Building Materials and Components, UK, May 2024
Bulletin Number 591
This workbook presents data   tables with information on selected building materials. 
Publication dates
Date of publication: 5 June   2024
Next publication: 3 July 2024
Table of Contents
Worksheet title Link to worksheet
Table 1a: Monthly construction   material price indices, United Kingdom 1a
Table 1b: Annual average   construction material price indices, United Kingdom 1b
Table 2: Monthly producer   price indices (PPI) of construction materials, United Kingdom 2
Table 3: Annual average   producer price indices (PPI) of construction materials, United Kingdom 3
Table 4a: Quarterly sales of   sand and gravel, Great Britain 4a
Table 4b: Annual sales of sand   and gravel, Great Britain 4b
Table 5a: Quarterly sales of   sand and gravel by English region, Wales, Scotland and Great Britain 5a
Table 5b: Annual sales of sand   and gravel by English region, Wales, Scotland and Great Britain 5b
Table 6a: Quarterly concrete   roofing tiles and ready-mixed concrete, Great Britain 6a
Table 6b: Annual concrete   roofing tiles and ready-mixed concrete, Great Britain 6b
Table 7a: Quarterly slate   production, deliveries and stocks, Great Britain 7a
Table 7b: Annual slate   production, deliveries and stocks, Great Britain 7b
Table 8: Annual cement and   clinker production and sales, United Kingdom/Great Britain 8
Table 9a: Monthly bricks   production, deliveries and stocks, Great Britain  9a
Table 9b: Quarterly bricks   production, deliveries and stocks, Great Britain  9b
Table 9c: Annual bricks   production, deliveries and stocks, Great Britain  9c
Table 10a: Monthly bricks   production, deliveries and stocks by combined English region, Wales and   Scotland 10a
Table 10b: Quarterly bricks   production, deliveries and stocks by combined English region, Wales and   Scotland 10b
Table 10c: Annual bricks   production, deliveries and stocks by combined English region, Wales and   Scotland 10c
Table 11a: Monthly concrete   blocks production, deliveries and stocks, Great Britain 11a
Table 11b: Quarterly concrete   blocks production, deliveries and stocks, Great Britain 11b
Table 11c: Annual concrete   blocks production, deliveries and stocks, Great Britain 11c
Table 12a: Monthly concrete   blocks production, deliveries and stocks by combined English region, Wales   and Scotland 12a
Table 12b: Quarterly concrete   blocks production, deliveries and stocks by combined English region, Wales   and Scotland 12b
Table 12c: Annual concrete   blocks production, deliveries and stocks by combined English region, Wales   and Scotland 12c
Table 13a: Quarterly value of   overseas trade in selected materials and components by category, United   Kingdom 13a
Table 13b: Quarterly value of   overseas trade in selected materials and components, United Kingdom 13b
Table 14a: Annual value of EU   and Non-EU trade in selected materials and components by category, United   Kingdom 14a
Table 14b: Annual value of EU   and Non-EU trade in selected materials and components, United Kingdom 14b
Symbols used within the   tables
[c] = confidential
[p] = provisional
[x] = not available
Data   can be revised for a number of reasons, including receipt of more data,   methodology changes and corrections. 
Data   subject to scheduled revisions are published as provisional. The period for   which data are provisional differs depending on material type and is   indicated in each table, either by use of [p] markers or in footnotes. When  provisional data become final, [p] markers   are removed. 
For   unscheduled revisions, no revision marker is added, though in the case of   substantial revisions a note will be added at the top of the revised table   and in this ‘Revisions’ section of the edition the change is first published.
Users   should download the latest edition of the publication to ensure they have the   most up-to-date tables.
DBT building materials revision   policy
In   this edition revisions have been made to:
     – February and March 2024 concrete blocks data. This included at the GB   level, dense concrete block production being revised down by 22.1% in March   2024.
     – Quarter 4 2023 sand and gravel data. This included at the GB level,   marine-dredged total being revised down by 12.9% in Q4 2023.
     – March 2024 bricks data.