
Table 6b: Annual concrete   roofing tiles (thousand square metres) and ready-mixed concrete (thousand   cubic metres), Great Britain [notes1, 2]
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Source:   DBT for roofing tiles and Mineral Products Association for ready-mixed   concrete
Year Concrete roofing tiles production Concrete roofing tiles deliveries Concrete roofing tiles stocks Ready-mixed concrete deliveries Seasonally adjusted ready-mixed   concrete deliveries [note 3, 4]
2011 17,712 17,684 3,126 15,121 15,121
2012 17,476 17,578 3,061 13,758 13,758
2013 18,745 19,580 2,214 15,089 15,089
2014 24,086 23,058 3,275 15,348 15,348
2015 25,105 24,475 3,904 16,294 16,294
2016 24,615 25,833 2,689 17,670 17,670
2017 26,111 25,741 2,492 17,209 17,209
2018 26,931 26,109 5,903 17,060 17,060
2019 25,233 26,243 3,954 16,426 16,426
2020 21,205 22,056 2,233 13,440 13,440
2021 26,346 25,973 2,417 15,329 15,329
2022 24,416 23,389 3,697 14,752 14,867
2023 27,161 26,826 3,491 13,837 13,837